Arbuckle Coffee Trade Cards Banner


Size: 5" x 3"
Copyrighted: 1891
Lithographer: Joseph P. Knapp

Honolulu, Hawaii - Avenue of Royal Palms; Royal Palace; Fort Street
Illustrations: Avenue of Royal Palms; Native Man; Royal Palace; Fort Street; Native Woman

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These islands were discovered in 1778 by Cook, who was killed by one of the natives in the following year. In 1820 American missionaries began their work which was soon supplemented by English effort, and through their united industry the Hawaiian language was reduced to a written form. During a visit to England in 1824, the Hawaiian king and queen both died of measles. Judging by the added circumstance of the decease of their late king while accepting San Francisco hospitality, the enticements of foreign travel are inimical to Hawaiian royalty. Indeed, the reported contagion of republican desire now swelling the islanders' hope, points to an early date when they will have no king or queen to die anywhere. In early political periods of Hawaiian history tricksters gained temporary control, which led to a guarantee of independence in 1844 from Great Britain, France and the United States.
Honolulu, the Capital of the island group, is on the S.W. coast of Oahu, at the mouth of the valley of Nuuanu, which runs back between tall cliffs to two peaks about 3,000 feet high in the great eastern range of mountains. To approaching vessels, Honolulu, with its churches, public buildings, and one-story wooden houses mingled with grass huts, half hidden by shrubbery, presents a most interesting aspect. Its streets are straight and well-kept. Water-works supply the town from a neighboring valley. The royal residence, government buildings, etc., are built of stone, while certain foundaries and other industrial establishments are of brick. Honolulu has a good natural harbor, with wharves, Custom House and warehouses. There are lines of steamers to the principal ports of the world. Business is chiefly in the hands of foreigners--Americans, British, Germans, and Chinese. The latter are very numerous and some of them very wealthy. The native islanders are often quick to learn, but a short period of cessation of study serves to efface every vestige of a new acquirement. They are amiable, but seem to lack the mental virility and endurance pertaining to cultured ancestry.
Population, 20,487.